Blackburn United FC are a FA chartered Standard football club with its grass roots in the heart of Blackburn’s Community. The club is well known in Blackburn and other parts of North West having been established since 1995. With over 200 registered players and 15 volunteer committee members, our club has grown and achieved success at a rapid level.
Many of the children have not taken part in sport at this level before, with this in mind the club has put in place a number of initiatives to ensure that young people are able to fulfil their potential and skill in a competitive context and have the opportunity to compete at the elite level of sport. The future development of the club lies firmly with its ability to work at local grass root levels, showing the importance role sport plays in youth development.
We want to create safer, stronger and more respectful community links through development by increasing participation, the playing, organised regular football and providing role models, coaching leaders and officiating opportunities for parents and volunteers
Getting young people, particularly the Asian youths, into grassroots sport is an overriding aim for Blackburn United.
We feel therefore we are encouraging community cohesion between young people and showing that barriers can be broken down.
Currently we have 11 teams that play in the East Lancashire Alliance Youth League, ages from 7 years to 18 years old. We also have three Senior teams, playing in the Blackburn Combination League.

We also run coaching sessions for Girls/ ladies and have a girls’ team and a lady’s team playing in the LFA Summer League.
The club also run a Football Academy that engage and coach children/young people of ages 4 years to 10 years in a range of constructive activities. The sessions are open for both sexes and take place at St. Marys College & Bangor Street Community Centre on Saturday mornings. Circa 100 children attend regularly engaging in a series of activities/coaching sessions designed to raise awareness in football skills, develop teamwork ethos and communication.
The club also hold several tournaments and have teams entering from all parts of Lancashire.
This is of course down to the hard work of the player’s, managers and the many support staff, all of whom do it voluntarily.
Amongst our ranks are experienced, qualified coaches as well as young football coaches of all levels who pride themselves on being able to assist the community and work with children who may not normally have access to professional football coaching. We also encourage girls to take up the sport and find that they also attend our coaching sessions. We want volunteers to become qualified coaches and in past 5 years have funded some 15 volunteers to gain level 1 and 2 qualification.
Blackburn United is a community based football club that encourages the participation of the immediate community as well as the wider community. We are proud of this fact and our achievements to date.